group one investigations Background Checks

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Background Checks

Background checks are a great first step in knowing salient facts about a person, organisation or situation. Whether you’re seeking exhaustive information or merely wishing to verify a single fact, a background check is always the best option to ensure that you have the most complete picture of person and that due diligence has been satisfied. Group One Investigations is routinely hired by both corporate and private clients requesting a background check on individuals, located domestically or abroad. There are a number of reasons why you might want a background check on someone, however we have outlined some common examples below:

Background Checks on Potential Employees:


Ensuring that an employee’s listed experience and qualifications are genuine is vital for employers that want to guarantee the best fit in their organisation. This can include confirmation of their past employment, verification of their academic qualifications, and right to work in Australia. Additionally, with consent from the potential employee, we can also run criminal history and driver’s licence history checks.

Business Partnership, Due Diligence Investigation:


A proposed business partnership or investment in a business can be an exciting venture, but there are always risks, some of which cannot be predicted, and others which are entirely preventable. Specifically, unnecessary risks which could have been avoided with a background check. Imagine finding out that your new business partner is on the Banned and Disqualified Register, but only after your reputation has been damaged. Group One Investigations will examine numerous avenues for this kind of background check, from surveying bankruptcy extracts, to probing lists related to money laundering and terrorism financing. Your new business partner could be the next Elizabeth Holmes. Let’s avoid that, shall we?

Internet Dating Website and Catfish Checks:


In the Information Age, typical though it may be, it is unfortunate that you can’t take anyone at face value. The internet has allowed for the possibility of anonymity which isn’t a bad thing in and of itself but, at its worst, has allowed for the seamless proliferation of false guises. There are, however, ways to identify these online personas as fake. If it seems too good to be true it probably is. The perfect guy who only needs some money to help pay for travel because he’s been set back financially due to an injury. Ten points if the injury was performed in the line of duty. Sympathetic, right? Or the dream girl with model features who is, of course, overly interested in getting to know you. Catfish!

Pre-Marital Check:


Given the amount of time, money and emotional commitment you’re investing in this person, a background check is a very small exercise, given the implications and weighty considerations that go into a relationship in the long run. This is a potential life-partner we’re talking about here, and the best way to protect yourself and your family from being polluted by untoward persons is to have the full picture available to you. We can confirm that their lifestyle and social activities match what they’ve told you, or debunk the fiction they’ve duped you into believing.

“My BFF is dating someone a little iffy.”


In this case, it’s you acting on behalf of a friend. Imagine your best friend has a new boyfriend or girlfriend with whom they’re completely besotted, but you can tell there’s something not quite right about the cute anecdotes that their new romantic entanglement shares to get a few chuckles from around the dinner table. You don’t see the world through rose-coloured glasses, and you don’t want a pernicious person taking advantage of your closest friend. A background check is the ultimate bulwark in pre-empting this interloper from using their toxic influence to worm their way into your network of friends and associates.

Education and Child Workers:


It cannot be overstated how crucial a requisite amount of screening and background checks are for education and child workers. As an employer it is your responsibility to ensure a safe environment for children and adolescents. Group One Investigations are experts in validating the academic credentials and professional memberships of prospective employees. Additionally, with the consent of the applicant, will run the aforementioned criminal history and driver’s licence history checks.

Other Background Checks:


Intimate relationship background, checks, healthcare sector background checks, tenant checks on behalf of landlords, peace-of-mind checks, and more.

Group One Investigations’ background checks aren’t limited to the above selection, and any conceivable configurations on these background checks are possible.

How Do We Conduct a Background Check?

Whether you’re running a background check as a routine practice for your business or you’re electing for a background check because you want to know more about a person and cease the uncertainty, Group One Investigations is an acclaimed private investigator agency that can get the job done.

We operate under the strictest confidence agreements, guaranteeing that your hand in the matter is never revealed to the person being investigated. We operate covertly while extracting information from any of the resources we utilise, thus ensuring that any enquiries we’ve made, or leads we’ve scrutinised, are entirely invisible to person of interest. We have proven and debunked a wealth of varying intuitions our clients have had about a person’s relationship status, assets, credentials, illnesses or disabilities they’ve attempted to claim compensation for, and more. This just further proves that if you have an instinct about a person, hire us to investigate it. You’ll either be right and will have prevented future heartache or distress, or you’ll be mistaken and will have peace-of-mind that you can trust the individual in question.


Aside from using open-source intelligence gathering methods, such as tracking the subject’s social media activity, there are public records databases, as well as industry databases, that are an excellent source of information for the savvy investigator. With the keen eye developed, within our industry, for sorting the useful information from the extraneous, the investigator is able to construct a detailed profile about the person of interest’s situation. This requires some lateral thinking on the part of the investigator given the legal barriers in Australia to accessing certain records.


If you’ve reached this far in the article, it’s highly likely that you’re already considering running a background check on someone. Don’t hesitate any further. Group One Investigations are experts at swiftly procuring detailed information for our clients, with prompt delivery, within a reasonable timeframe.

Call 1800 181 880 for a confidential chat or email us at with your enquiry, and we can arrange a free consultation.