Group One Investigations 3 signs your partner may be cheating on you


Are you worried your partner may be cheating on you? Perhaps a few things have happened recently that just don’t seem to add up, or maybe you have a gut feeling that something isn’t right. Here are a few tell-tale signs that could indicate your loved one is straying.

1. They’ve been treating you differently
Recently, you might have noticed that your partner hasn’t been behaving normally towards you. They may have become rather distant or irritable with you, or perhaps they haven’t been as intimate as they usually would be. On the other hand, they might be trying harder than normal to make you happy, whether that’s showering you with gifts for no apparent reason or being more attentive to your needs. Of course, there could be several explanations for a change in behaviour, but cheating may be one of them.

2. They aren’t as available as usual
It might not make sense for your partner to be working late as often as they have been, or perhaps arranging to see them has been difficult lately because they haven’t been answering their phone. Whereas contacting them has never been a struggle before, you might suddenly find that their phone is switched off a lot. They might simply be slammed with work – or they might not.

3. They’re too friendly with someone else
If you’ve noticed your partner being over-friendly with another man or woman, it might be because they’re just good pals; however, it’s natural to wonder whether something more could be going on. Maybe you’ve spotted them in public together and noticed a hand on the shoulder, or perhaps they’re in one too many photos with their arms around each other. Either way, you need to find out what’s going on.

It’s heartbreaking to think that the person you love could be betraying you in such a way, and you may have even ignored the warning signs up to now. If you’re concerned that your partner may be cheating on you, don’t wonder what’s happening any longer. Use Melbourne private investigators to find out once and for all, so you can begin to move on with your life.

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